Monday, January 29, 2007

script for a comic

(Italics denote narrative boxes, parenthesis denote action, dashes denote page breaks)

Danielle and Sara stumble into their porch, holding beers for underage drinking and cigarettes for just-turned-legal smoking
S: Yes! Now it’s a girls’ night.

D: I can’t believe Robert let you drive
S: Robert is a doormat if you know how to get to him. Hello couch! (sitting)

D: I’m packing a bowl.
S: Goood! Good way to end the night. Yeah.

D: (passing) Here.
S: Hm? No, you go first.

D: I guess I need it, right?

(D inhales)

(D exhales) Smoke obscures her face and emotions

D: Good thing Jack didn’t show up, huh?

S: Oh, he knows better than to show up there. Those are ourrr people.
When she’s drunk Sara extends her “R”s like a pirate
D: Still, I was worried cause he gets along so well with them.

D: God, it’s so fucking stupid. It’s been like a month already.

S: It’s not stupid at all. C’mon, I went through the same thing after Mike and I broke up.

D: That’s true. I guess it’s the whole first break-up thing. It’s fucking traumatizing.
S: Yeah it is. Man, that was a terrrrrible time. He was so mean to me.

S: Whatever, I’ve talked your ear off about it enough already.
D: Haha yeah, all you had to do was get over him. I had to listen to you get over him.

(S smirks)

D: I’m sorry. God, what a drag.

D: Remember when we went ice skating? That was like the beginning of the end.
S: Well it’s definitely a process, y’know?

D: Yeah, it just feels like I’ll never get over it completely.
S: Well sure, that shit stays with you. You learn to block it out though.

S: And y’know, you’ll find somebody again soon.
D: Psh, yeah. Maybe someday.

S: I mean it! It’s like, it’s like it’s all a process man. Don’t worrry.

(S inhales)

(S exhales)
S: It’s a harrd fall, but a soft landing.

D: Hm.

D: (smiling) Harrrrd fall.
S: Harrrrrd fall! Haha! Hahaha.

S: (rubbing eyes) Man, I’m done. I’m fucking out for the night.

(smiling, S passes pipe to D)
D: (taking pipe) Thanks.

(D inhales)

(D exhales, smoke obscuring her face again) Danielle sits as her friend’s breath slows to a sleeping rhythm.

Staring into space, the weed and the pain and the yearning make her eyes glaze over.


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